in {tidyselect}
expressions was deprecated in {tidyselect}
1.2.0; update takes care of this changeggseqfplot
(issue reported by Gilbert Ritschard){ggplot2}
release 3.5.0){TraMineR}
and {ggplot2}
as dependenciescomplete revision of ggseqrfplot
after {TraMineR}
release 2.2-5
(special thanks to Gilbert Ritschard for the support)
added {TraMineR}
as dependency
the group argument now respects order of grouping variable when rendering faceted plots (issue raised bv Lucille Mattijssen)
fixed sorting issue for y-axis labels in grouped iplots
allow for additional facet_wrap
arguments to change plot appearance
Added option to break down dplots by state (dissect
Set minimum R version because of R's new pipe (#1, @cbrueffer)
file to track changes to the package.